BUMPSHELLS 2016-11-09 A belly full of love: Living with a Bicornuate Uterus by The Bazaar Mumma This week, our bumpshell of the week is: Kiri from…
Fitness 2016-10-11 Boobs & Belly talking about Labor training! Everyone has their own birth story. . .some women are…
Health 2016-09-14 Should you have an orgasm while pregnant? When it comes to sex and pregnancy, we are now…
Fitness 2016-09-08 Boobs & Belly giving us the secrets of working out during pregnancy! The faux pas of exercise and pregnancy is long gone!…
Health 2016-09-06 Teas during Pregnancy, YES OR NO? Pregnancy bring changes to your body; during that period, something…
Health 2016-05-02 Spring Clean: Preggo Edition Spring often means big cleaning. It’s the time to dispose…
Nutrition 2016-04-18 Calorie Needs During Pregnancy | Les Calories pendant la Grossesse You are probably wondering how many calories your body really…