Working out while you’re pregnant might me tricky. It’s hard to know what’s feasible and what’s off-limits. In collaboration with Emerson from Turnier Cross Training, we decided to create a little guide of what’s better to avoid during your pregnancy.
As mentioned in the video, some of you ladies may be able to do those exercises, either because you are regularly active or either simply because you are stronger physically. It is different for every pregnant woman. Just keep in mind that ideally you should start working out before pregnancy.
If you have any questions regarding your workout routine, make sure to ask your trainer or a certified coach. Meanwhile, you can contact Emerson Turnier, fitness instructor, at for any questions. You can also follow him on Instagram @turniercrosstraining.
L’entrainement durant la grossesse peut être parfois embêtant. Il est difficile de savoir ce qui est toléré et ce qui n’est pas recommandé. En collaboration avec Emerson de Turnier Cross Training, nous avons créé un vidéo-guide des exercices qu’il est mieux d’éviter durant la grossesse.